Hollandi põhjaosas õitsevad hektarite kaupa kollased, punased, roosad, valge tulbid. Fotograaf Normann Szkop jäädvustas selle ilu.

Tulbid on saanud Hollandi sümboliks, mille pärast igal aastal turistid sinna sõidavad. Tulbihooaeg algab aprillis-mais ja kestab augustini.

Igal aastal õitseb Hollandis enam kui kolm miljardit tulpi, kirjutab Daily Mail. See teeb Hollandist suurima tulpide eksportija maailmas.

Tulpide kasvatamine Hollandis algas üle 400 aasta tagasi.

Aerial photographs of tulip fields in the Netherlands by Normann Szkop - April 2011
Aerial photographs of tulip fields in the Netherlands by Normann Szkop - April 2011
FOTO: Foto: Vida Press, Normann Szkop/REX

Aerial photographs of tulip fields in the Netherlands by Normann Szkop - April 2011
Aerial photographs of tulip fields in the Netherlands by Normann Szkop - April 2011
FOTO: Foto: Vida Press, Normann Szkop/REX

Aerial photographs of tulip fields in the Netherlands by Normann Szkop - April 2011
Aerial photographs of tulip fields in the Netherlands by Normann Szkop - April 2011
FOTO: Foto: Vida Press, Normann Szkop/REX

Aerial photographs of tulip fields in the Netherlands by Normann Szkop - April 2011
Aerial photographs of tulip fields in the Netherlands by Normann Szkop - April 2011
FOTO: Foto: Vida Press, Normann Szkop/REX

Aerial photographs of tulip fields in the Netherlands by Normann Szkop - April 2011
Aerial photographs of tulip fields in the Netherlands by Normann Szkop - April 2011
FOTO: Foto: Vida Press, Normann Szkop/REX

Aerial photographs of tulip fields in the Netherlands by Normann Szkop - April 2011
Aerial photographs of tulip fields in the Netherlands by Normann Szkop - April 2011
FOTO: Foto: Vida Press, Normann Szkop/REX

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